So You Think You Can Dance Wiki
So You Think You Can Dance Wiki
Bianca Revels
S6 Bianca Revels
Season Season 6
Birthday January 27, 1989
Age 35
Hometown Detroit, Michigan
So You Think You Can Dance Profile
Age during Season 20
Dance style Tap
Placement Top 18
All-Star Profile

Bianca Revels (born January 27, 1989) is a Tap dancer. She competed during sixth season of So You Think You Can Dance and placed in the Top 18.

So You Think You Can Dance[]

To see all of Bianca Revels's performances from Season 6, click here.

Other Information[]

  • Bianca originally auditioned for the show during Season 4, but was cut during Top 20 selection at the very end of Vegas Week.
  • Bianca auditioned in Season 5 and was cut in the Vegas Round.
  • Bianca was one of the three first Tap dancers to make it into the Top 20 on So You Think You Can Dance.
